The tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001 changed America forever. On this day, we honor the 343 lives that were lost as they attempted to save the lives of others. We will never forget the bravery and sacrifice of these heroes.
"Maybe they forget [officers] have families," Gloria Vega said. "But they're just like everybody else. The only difference is my dad went out there ... he sacrificed his family, sacrificed us having him, to protect people he doesn't even know.” To read the full story, click here.
What happens when we run out of cops? This is a question worth asking as it pertains to the safety of our communities, families, and friends. Police recruitment and retention may be one of this countries biggest problems. To read more about what will happen when we run out of law enforcement officers, click on the link below.
This year, from May 13th to May 19th, thousands of police officers, law enforcement professionals, friends, family, and survivors, gather in Washington D.C for National Police Week. In 2017 alone, 129 officers were killed in the line of duty. Since 1791, a total of 21,541 officers have lost their lives in the line of duty.One of the most moving ceremonies is the Annual Candlelight Vigil, where the names of fallen officers will be forever etched into the Memorial Wall. Unlike many memorials in Wa...
So often we commemorate the day or memorialize an overwhelming mass tragedy, but lose sight of the individuals, the moments in time, the instances that change our world. The below letter, written to a 9/11 survivor, to the police officer who saved her that day, could easily go out to any Officer in the field today. In instances each and every day, they give of themselves selflessly, without hesitation, in the face of fear. Alongside members from each of the various emergency services - they reac...
In 2016, the profession of law enforcement, and our nation, lost 135 police officers in the line of duty. This national figure is the highest it has been since 2001, with nearly half of these brave men and women having been killed in ambush-style attacks; with the remaining being a result of various other incidents, including traffic-related accidents and suffering heart attacks on the job. This May marks the 55th year, in which thousands of police officers, law enforcement professionals, ...
May 2017 marks the 55th year by which our nation will pay tribute to the men and women of our local, state and federal peace officers. National Police Week is an annual event, conceived from “Police Day”, which was created in 1962, when President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation, designating May 15 as a time in which our nation would pause, gather, and most of all, to remember, those brave men and women who gave their final breath for the sake of justice. In the years and decades to f...
Reminder that tomorrow is the monthly SDSPOA Board of Directors Meeting at 1500 hours at the EOC. It is important that all directors attend so that POA business may be conducted. All members are welcome to attend as guests.This is the last meeting before the annual elections in December. It would be a great idea to reach out to members in your classification if you are interested in being on the Board of Directors and let them know. The Director positions are voted on by members in that classifi...
It's Time to VOTE!!!The following is the voter guide from the San Diego/Imperial Counties Chapter of PORAC. Read your Official Voter Information Guide and vote wisely. These people and issues can and will affect you for years to come.San Diego-Imperial PORAC Chapter Local Voter GuideCalifornia State AssemblyAD 71 Randy Vopel AD 75 Marie Waldron AD 76 Rocky ChavezAD 77 Brian Maienschein AD 78 Todd Gloria AD 80 Lorena GonzalezCalifornia State SenateSD 39 Toni AtkinsCongressCD 50 Duncan Hunter CD 5...
This morning, San Diego Schools POA President Jesus Montana joined School Police Chief Rueben Littlejohn and Superintendent Cindy Marten at a community press conference in support of our law enforcement. In the wake of three Baton Rouge and five Dallas area law enforcement officers being killed, the San Diego law enforcement community has felt the loss of their brothers and sisters and the stress that is associated with it. Yet, our law enforcement officers continue to push along, supress...

Law enforcement officers are people like you and me who want to make a difference. Serving the communities that we all share is just a part of what these humble heroes do. Standing up for those who can not stand up for themselves is just in their blood. Despite the dangers, they proudly put on their uniforms and badges every day, for us. National Peace Officer’s Memorial Day has become a day for us to unite as a community and to honor those who have given their lives to protect us, our fam...

Most of us get up in the morning. go about our days and never think about our local law enforcement officers, unless we hear another negative story on the news. There is a perception that there are a lot of bad cops out there. However the reality is that 99.1% of Law Enforcement officers are NOT accused of any misconduct of any kind. In 2015, 965 civilians were fatally shot by officers, this kind of situation gets the media’s attention, understandably. However, it is imp...
Let your voice be heard and take the poll, "Should armed police officers be stationed at area high schools?"In an era where individuals or groups are targeting our students, such as Active Shooters and terrorists viewing our schools as soft targets, do we want trained professionals protecting our students?

When you say the words “first responders” who comes to mind? Police, Fireman, EMT? But what about teachers? It is no longer adequate to place all of the responsibility for our children’s safety in the hands of our teachers during an attack and not take the time to properly train them to accomplish that task. Nor is it acceptable to simply tell them, "Lock your classroom door, turn out the lights, hide in a corner and pray that the attacker doesn’t pick your room." Today, the na...
LEADING LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSOCIATION IN CALIFORNIA STRONGLY SUPPORTS BODY CAMERASPeace Officers Research Association of California Backs Responsible Implementation and Use of Body CamerasSacramento, CA: PORAC leadership, representing 67,000 public safety members and over 915 associations in California, will testify at a hearing of the California State Assembly Public Safety Committee tomorrow that will be weighing the benefits of law enforcement wearing body cameras to the potentia...

The National Fraternal Order of Police is lobbying to add police officers to other victims under the Congressional hate crimes statute. Violence against police officers that is motivated by anti-police bias should be prosecuted as a hate crime, according to Jim Pasco, the executive director of the F.O.P."Right now, it's a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their skin, but it ought to be a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their uniform a...
Washington: The US Defence Department program accused of fuelling the militarisation of local law enforcement is stirring controversy again, this time for providing equipment and weapons to school police. Law enforcement agencies affiliated with at least 120 schools, colleges and universities have received gear through the program, according to a Washington Post review of data from 33 states. The items received include at least five grenade launchers, hundreds of rifles and eight mine-resistant,...
School Police Share Tips That Help Protect Children The safety and well-being of our students and staff are a top priority. In response to the Chelsea King and Amber Dubois tragedies, School Police has compiled a list of simple, common sense tips that can help protect children and adults against stranger abduction or attack. Please read these tips carefully and share with students, staff, parents and community members:Don’t walk or run alone, when possible. Go with a family member, friend and/or...

School Burglary Prevention Please assist the San Diego Unified Police Department in the prevention of burglaries to our schools. If you see suspicious activity on or around schools or district sites, phone the San Diego Unified Police Department at (619) 291-7678 (24 hours).Employees: Check and lock your classroom and office windows before you leave. If you think the current security screens will stop a burglar, you are wrong. You need to make it as difficult as possible for intruders to obtain ...