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From The President

Welcome to the San Diego Schools Police Officers Association web page.  Our association is committed to serving the men and women who have not only sworn to protect the life and property of our students and staff but are committed in the education of our future leaders.

While Police Officer Associations can be classified as labor unions, our mission is to go beyond the health and welfare of our members and protect the health and welfare of the community we serve.  In collaboration with the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), we will work with our school board, state and local legislators to enact laws and policies that protect us all.  We shall reach our goal with the help of our voting community by supporting candidates we endorse.  The SDSPOA carefully screens candidates not only in our school board but also in local, state, and federal offices and endorse those who are committed to public safety and the education of our children.

I welcome you to return to our web site in the future, as it is an evolving source of information.  We welcome your feedback on our website, join us at our Facebook page and I invite you to contact me or any of our Association Officers via email.

Thank you for your time and be safe,

D.Ellis sig

Jay Gresham
SDSPOA President