By San Diego Schools POA Admin on Monday, 18 July 2016
Category: Public News

San Diego Schools POA Join Community in Supporting Law Enforcement

This morning, San Diego Schools POA President Jesus Montana joined School Police Chief Rueben Littlejohn and Superintendent Cindy Marten at a community press conference in support of our law enforcement. In the wake of three Baton Rouge and five Dallas area law enforcement officers being killed, the San Diego law enforcement community has felt the loss of their brothers and sisters and the stress that is associated with it. Yet, our law enforcement officers continue to push along, supressing their fears, and uphold their duty to protect the community. In return, the San Diego community wanted to make certain our law enforcement officers knew that this community is behind each and everyone of them. The association joins the community in supporting our brave men and women, sworn and non-sworn, as we move forward this the trying time. Superintendent Marten expresses her condolences and support to our officers, members and their families.

Here are a few links to the various news stations covering the press conference: